Building a Better Future next steps
Again, thank you for your support of Phase I and II of Building a Better Future. As Supt. Dr. Kim Hiel shared last week, the strategic plan that we worked together to create can be fully realized because of our community’s investments.
Planning has already begun for the school building projects portion of Building a Better Future. In total, 66 projects will be completed over a four-year span. Nine projects are likely to start this school year. Brooklyn Middle STEAM School and North View Middle School will kick things off, followed by Maple Grove Senior High School and the new elementary school in northwest Maple Grove. All district schools will be noted in the full timeline that will be shared in the coming weeks.
Community voice will be critical throughout the design and construction of these projects. Each school will have a diverse planning committee made up of 25-35 participants, including students, parents/caregivers, staff and community members, to provide feedback and input on the work. Participants will meet about five to seven times as part of this. Please fill out this form if you're interested in applying to be a part of one or more of these committees.
As a reminder, attendance boundary changes will occur at the elementary and middle school levels. The process will start with community engagement in the fall of 2024. There will be multiple opportunities for students, parents/caregivers, staff and community members to be involved and provide their feedback during this time. Most new attendance boundaries will then take effect in the fall of 2026. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
Please continue to stay tuned to for the latest information.